Time is the priceless commodity that we can’t regain, so we all need to ensure we make the most of every second of every minute and every hour of every day.
Everyone is trying to gain the best work-life balance, but may be finding we’re all spinning too many plates in the air to take a break to spend time with our families, or a well-earned holiday, in case one of the plates falls to the ground and smashes.
This is especially true of some small to medium enterprises where business owners may have launched an enterprise based on their own knowledge or expertise and now may be holding back the growth of their company because they still feel the need to manage all of the tasks themselves, but simply don’t have the time.
Now may be time for you to review your productivity and time management, especially if you have recently had to trim your team in these uncertain times.
There are many ways to improve your own time management and sometimes delegating to an outside contractor, like Pängels, ethical and professional virtual assistants, may prove to be more cost effective than doing it yourself or employing a member of staff.
Here are a few of our suggestions for improving your time management and increasing your productivity.
Review your schedule
Take time out from your routine to review your own daily and weekly activities and that of your team. Consider whether there is anything that can be delegated, changed to require less time, or cut out completely.
Improve your planning
Make a list of your tasks in order of priority, set time aside to plan each project and allocate tasks to the appropriately skilled members of your team. Once you know exactly what needs doing and by when, you may realise that having help from a contractor may release you or others to complete jobs of a higher priority that make better use of their skill set.
Set deadlines for projects
Sticking to any deadlines that you have set, will make you more efficient and ensure you are more likely to deliver products and services on time and keep your clients happy.
Review your vision, mission, and goals
It’s always good to look again at exactly what led you to establish your business in the first place, and your ultimate vision, mission, and goals. Things have changed for a lot of people over the last few years, and you might find that your outlook on life and your business has altered too. You might be starting to consider an exit strategy or giving yourself more time to do what you like to do, for example.
Learn to Delegate
Now, more than ever, business owners are realising that they don’t have to do everything themselves as it helps them to avoid stress and feeling burnt-out. Handing over the tasks you don’t like doing, for example administration, payroll, sales, marketing, writing social media posts or accounts, will free your time to do what you are best at doing.
We hope our list helps you to better organise your time and business and don’t forget your friendly and professional Pängels virtual and personal assistants are here to help you with your daily tasks if you need us.
Get in touch now info@pangels.co.uk or give us a call on 0844 500 7818 for a FREE consultation about your support requirements.